Sunday, May 26, 2019

Fly Me To Gelson's

"Oh, goodie, I think I see a parking spot."

After learning we needed a new water heater, longtime hubby and I decided to add to the aggravation and spend four, five, maybe six hours car-shopping and car-negotiating, an ordeal that resulted in the poignant goodbye to my beloved 2007 Rapidly Aging Mobile, and the nervous hellody to a leased, swanky new voice-activated spaceship that will do whatever the bleep I want it to, as long as I speak up: "Fly me to Gelson's!" "Find me a latte!" "Take me home, Charles!" All this and more, assuming I ever master the advanced tech package.
Raise your hand if you think I can do it. I said, raise your hand. Listen you, have a little faith in your SJG. They tell me boosting my brain will be beneficial. And I just watched 18 different tutorials and, hold your applause, I can now turn the spaceship on. Eventually, I'll figure out how to fly it.

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