Thursday, May 9, 2019


Dear SJG,
You are in error and it is my duty as Queen to correct you. My most recent great grandchild, Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor, is not a prince, although he's sweet as a buttery scone smothered in clotted cream. Have you seen those cheeks? They're simply edible. You could make a meal out of that punim. However, Archie is merely an earl. Whether Harry and the American call him an earl or leave him untitled is entirely up to them. Seriously, I've given up trying to control those two. Nonetheless, I hereby grant you permission to call him Earl Archie, because I have a lot of power and can do as I please. But if I catch you calling him Prince Archie, you shall be summoned to court for a testy talking-to.
Royally Yours,
Elizabeth R
Dear Queen Elizabeth,
I'd rather be summoned for tea and crumpets. Let's check our calendars and coordinate.
Respectfully Yours,

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