Tuesday, May 7, 2019

The Parachute Club

Rebecca and her widowed mother Rose are chatting on the phone. "Mommy, why don’t you do something useful with your life?"
"So nu? All of a sudden, sitting around my swimming pool, drinking good wine and relaxing is no longer a good thing?"
"I’m talking about something to make you get out and meet people. Like going down to your local Senior Center and meeting with the people there. You need to get active, Mommy."
The following day, Rose emails her daughter. "I took your advice and I've joined a local parachute club."
Rebecca emails back, "Are you meshuggah, Mommy? You’re 88 years old and now you want to start jumping out of planes?"
"Yes, and I’ve even got a membership card. I'll email it to you."
So Rose emails Rebecca a copy of the card. Rebecca immediately calls her mother. "Oy vey, Mommy! Where are your glasses? This is a membership card for a prostitute club, not a parachute club."
"Oy, am I in trouble," says Rose. "I've signed up for at least five jumps a week."


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