Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My Old Man

I'm married to an older man.  Much older.  Not everyone knows this, because I don't like to lord my youth over him.  I don't like to make him feel less-than-wonderful.  I'm not that cruel.  I want him to feel spry, like a lad of 50.  Remember 50, honey?  But once a year, I can't resist laying it on thick.  Hubby is older than the SJG.  Much older.  How much?  It's really none of your business.  Some things are personal.  If I were to tell you his real age, he might get overly-sensitive and start to pout, as he tends to do.  Oh, wait.  I'm the one who gets overly-sensitive and pouts.  He's the one who yells at the TV and fixes stuff.  We've been together so long, sometimes I get a little confused about our personality traits.  On Friday, hubby gets even older.  Naturally, I plan to regale him with wine and song and a Fosse-style dance number I hope to perform at his office in the middle of an important meeting, assuming I can get past security.  They don't always let me in, especially after the stunt I pulled last year on his birthday.  Let's just say it involved a zebra, a goat and the SJG in a revealing ensemble, and leave it at that.


  1. I married an older man too. Seventeen years difference. Now that we're both old it doesn't matter, except when he talks about his high school years. I was in diapers. Happy Birthday to yours. The Fosse number sounds priceless.

  2. Thanks, TT. He's only a year older than me, but I like to kid him.

  3. He's a year older? I thought he was in our grade.

  4. Always thought my mother in law was 2 years younger than my father in law... She the beautiful principal, he the dashing Naval officer heading to the South Pacific... Turns out she kept the truth from him by hiding her birth certicate under a dresser drawer, which fell out as we were cleaning out their home for sale... she was 2 years older... but at age 88, who cared?

  5. Margit, he was in our grade. I'm on the youngish side, doncha know. Remember those A & B semesters in elementary school? After 6th grade, you could stay put, or you could go ahead to 7th, depending on your b'day. I went ahead and here I am today, so very advanced.

  6. And your both still younger than me! Waaah!

  7. Oh I went to UES and we didn't have grades and A and B semesters. So I'm older than you too, I suppose.
