Dear SJG,
Every year, I try my best to look gorgeous on Valentine's Day. I pull out my finest fishnets, my skintight couture, my sky-high stilettos. I slap on my purple eye shadow, smear on my shiny red lipstick, rouge my cheeks and tease my hair into a fetching beehive, and wait for romance. Still, no takers. What am I doing wrong?
Confused in Sherman Oaks
Dear Confused,
You're welcome,
Harsh! There's someone for everyone out there, just a matter of looking for love in all the wrong places... try Texas or wherever Dolly grew up... the singer, not the sheep.
ReplyDeleteMuch better advice. Leave it to a man to cut right through the heartache to the core.
ReplyDeleteFishnets always work for me...just saying.
ReplyDeleteDoes the Timmy know?