Monday, August 22, 2011


Hush.  Do you hear that?  Can you identify the species?  Could be human.  Could be an owl.  Hard to tell. Sounds like moaning.  Ohhhh.  Ooooouchhhh.  Ooooowwwww.  What is it?  Oh, wait.  I think I've got it.  'Tis the early morning warbling of the SJG, attempting to rise from bed.  Be patient.  This may take a while. I may have over-Zumba'd.  Once again, I over-shook the booty.  Yes, this lower back pain is Zumba-related.  Hubby always cautions, "Don't overdo it."  He knows me so well.  Knows I have a tendency to go ape-sh*t once the music cranks.  "I won't," I always promise, but sometimes I forget.  I lose control.  I don't act my age.  So I'm icing and stretching, groaning and kvetching.  The price I must pay for being a little too enthusiastic.  In time, I will heal.  As God is my witness, I will shake the booty again.  Count on it.