Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Reboot and Call Me in the Morning

It's true, sometimes the SJG brain circuitry gets all tangled, and out come the nonsensicals.  One time, while cooking dinner, I announced, "I'm faxing the corn!"  I looked around, expecting some kind of parade in my honor. All I got were weird, "What's wrong with Mommy?" stares.  Yesterday, out came another oddity.  "Is the dentist here?" I asked, in response to hearing the gardener next door, cranking up the leaf-blower.  The college boy shot me his time-honored, WTF expression, cracked up and immediately posted the evidence that his mother has officially lost it, on his Facebook page.  When the eldest got wind of my latest verbal disconnect, he suggested a complete cerebral tune-up, a comprehensive reboot involving flash cards, Scrabble, Sodoku and repeating grades 1 - 12.  Or I could just take a nap.


  1. As much as I hate to admit it, repeating grades 1 - 12 might be a whole lotta fun. Open enrollment at Warner?

  2. Let's do it!! Is Mrs. Smotherman still there?
