Sunday, August 7, 2011

Pillow Talk

"Shush."  "What?"  "You're making noise."  "I'm breathing."  "You're snoring."  "You were snoring first."  "I don't snore."  "Uh, yes you do."  "Prove it."  "Where's the tape recorder?"  "The what?"  "Tape recorder."  "I haven't seen a tape recorder since Scotty trained for his Bar Mitzvah."  "You make it sound like an athletic event."  "It took a lot of endurance to reach the finish line."  "A lot of money, too."  "What time is it?"  "You don't want to know."  "I can't fall back to sleep."  "Just try."  "Can you try not to breathe so loud?"  "I will if you will."  "I'm not the problem here."  "Don't start that again."  "Shush, I'm trying to sleep."  "I was asleep till you woke me up."  "You woke me up."  "Shush."


  1. You're the Yeshiva Rock Hudson and Doris Day of Pillow Talk!

  2. Oy. I can so relate. If it weren't for Ambien and earplugs, I'd be in federal prison.

  3. Yeshiva Rock Hudson: very accurate description. Cathy, oy, I know you can relate.

  4. You just described a typical conversation between me and my pillow friend on any given night.

  5. Dateline: Sherman Oaks
    It appears the SJG has, at the last possible moment, climbed aboard the Tribute Train honoring Lucille Ball's 100th Birthday. In a gesture showcasing her well known generosity, the SJG has chosen to publish a portion of a long lost Madelyn Davis script, rescued from the Desilu dumpster, of an episode never aired owing its risque content. Thank you, thank you, thank you, SJG, for allowing us this glimpse of "Lucy and Ricky Wake Up."

  6. Mick, Lucy and Ricky slept in separate beds. Except in the lost script.... before standards and practices got involved.
