Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Art of Whining

The SJG has passed along my gift for kvetching, whining and complaining to my sons.  They're like sponges, my boys, soaking up all my quirks and putting their own personal stamp on each and every neurotic tendency I've exposed them to, and well, I couldn't be prouder.  But now, a disturbing canine trend has come to my attention, and I wouldn't be me unless I unloaded it onto you and roped you into my latest cause for concern.  Too bad all the good causes are taken, and I'm left with this:  my dog, my Labrador, my daily companion, is the biggest whiner in the family.  I'm not sure how exactly I transferred my love of whining to Dusty, and yet, the evidence is all around me, so, once again, I must accept blame.  All day long, he whines about something.  If I talk on the phone, he whines.  If I talk to someone in my house, he whines.  Basically, if I don't meet his demands, he whines.

Each whine conveys the same two-pronged sentiment: 
1) "What about me?"
2) "Give me a treat and maybe I'll stop whining."

I've come to the conclusion that Dusty is the neediest dog, not to mention, the most manipulative.  They say children learn by example.  I'd like to add my dog to that equation, and well, I couldn't be prouder.

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