Friday, March 13, 2015

Beautiful People In Beautiful Dresses

"I'm outta here, bitches."

Oh, "Fashion Police." Seriously. You are a crazy place. The SJG would like to make a citizen's arrest. You've ruined yourself. Why, "Fashion Police"? Why? You were just supposed to be a fun and snarky place to park for an hour. A PC-free zone. A bit mean, sure. But hilarious. Joan Rivers said the most outrageous, offensive things on that show and never apologized. Suddenly, everyone on "Fashion Police" is apologizing and quitting.

Kathy Griffin was barely getting started as Joan's replacement, just warming up, and now she's done, spinning her departure this way: "I thought I could bring my brand of humor to 'Fashion Police' so that beautiful people in beautiful dresses could be teased when appropriate. My brand of humor, while unrepentant and unafraid, is all about CONTEXT." She went on to say she doesn't want to "contribute to a culture of unattainable perfectionism and intolerance towards difference."

There must have been a lot more going on behind the scenes that nobody's sharing; some sort of toxic agenda. I thought the point of the show was to poke fun at the perfectionism and laugh at today's fashion-obsessed, overly-botoxed celebrities. I don't get what all the fuss is about, other than the worst fashion accessory of all: censorship.


  1. Tough audience, especially when they can say, with conviction and enforceable threats, "You'll never work in this town again! - grrr. The fashion world, and the world in general need Kathy Griffin's visible canines...

  2. Time for "E" to hire the SJG as a replacement for La Griffin! Let's keep it snarky!
