Sunday, March 29, 2015

Party Like It's 1975

 Ellen, Jill and the very silly SJG 

My 40th high school reunion will soon be a blur, probably by Monday or Tuesday, at the latest. Not that I didn't have fun. I did. Many two-second conversations. "Hi!" "Hi!" "How are you?" "Fine!" "You were nice in high school!" "Uh, thanks!" I lost my voice about an hour in. The SJG speaks at a low volume. So I had to scream to be heard. That got old fast. I stood a lot. I danced a lot. I'm hoping at some point I get some feeling back in my feet. And yet, a few highlights will stay with me forever. The giddy moment I reconnected with my dearest friends from Warner Avenue comes to mind. Ellen Bernstein and Jill Borden were the sweetest gals, then and now. We laughed and acted like the goofy grade schoolers we once were, and promised (as we did at the 20th reunion) to get back in touch.

Jeff, who didn't go to high school with us, and wife Maddy, who did; me and a handsome stranger; Helen, who didn't go to Uni, and husband Ned, who did, and two nice photo bombers I don't know.

The high school sweethearts. 


  1. You look like you both had a GREAT time! You both look totally adorable and like you should be at your 20th reunion, not your 40th!!

  2. Oh Ellen, my sister from another mister, you're a doll. We must lunch again soon. Yes, we did have fun. I did have to introduce myself a lot though! I can barely walk today. xo

  3. Looks like it was a blast! (How's that for a '70s word?) :-)

  4. It was FABULOUS, just like SJG!

  5. It was fab thanks to you, Bettina! Remember: Act Svelte!
