Friday, March 27, 2015

Let Me Introduce Myself... Again.

At my 30th high school reunion, I spent most of the evening re-introducing myself to the people in attendance, this despite the name tag and tiny graduation photo prominently displayed over my heart. The exchanges usually went something like, "Hi, I'm Carol? Starr? Schneider?" Blank stare, followed by a quick glance at my tiny photo. "Oh. Right. Hi." After a few hundred of these touching moments, I pretty much said, "Oh, eff it," and stuck to the few people who didn't need a name tag or photo to identify me. Included in this elite group: hubby, my high school sweetheart. Even after a few gin and tonics, he still recognized me. "Let's not go to the 40th," I said on the way home. "Okay," he said, a bit tipsy at the time. He has no memory of saying that. In fact, the entire evening is a blur. Which brings us to the 40th high school reunion tomorrow night. We're going.


  1. I am waitng for the 50th in the hope that 1. there will be fewer attendees to not recognize me; and 2. nobody will be able to read the name tag or see the tiny picture. Since I didn't marry my high school sweetheart, and since my wife went to high school a universe away from Pasadena High School ( in Pacific Palisades); and 3. since my claim to fame was playing cymbols in the marching band, I'm pretty sure the evening will be about as satisfying as finding a leaf on

  2. Steve, you're welcome to come to my reunion, as a warm-up for yours. 10 years go, I blamed everyone's poor insight, too. Tomorrow night, I'm hoping my Facebook friends from high school will recognize me. I think it gives me a slight advantage this time. Unless everyone is too drunk to care, which will make for a better evening.

  3. My 40th h.s. reunion was grand. People who had never been to a reunion show up for the 40th. Believe me, you'll have a great time! Even though I'm one of the organizers and it's a ton of work, I'm looking forward to the 50th! Have fun Saturday night!

    1. Thanks, doll. It'll be fine. I've gone to all of them and I always end up dancing.

  4. Love this! I left school 31 years ago and when I see people on FB, it's like looking at a police photo-fit of someone you once knew!

    1. Kerry, that is hilarious! I studied my high school year book last night just to remember how everyone used to look, including me.
