Monday, July 4, 2011

Baking By Light Bulb

This morning I awoke with visions of my Easy-Bake Oven dancing in my head.  How I loved my Easy-Bake Oven. I miss it so, even though I'm pretty sure everything I made by light bulb tasted like absolute ka-ka.  My parents never let on.  They always said, "Delish!" no matter what sort of rubbery tiny treat I put before them.  Pizza and cake and pinky gooey candy.  I want my Easy-Bake Oven back.  It's the 4th of July.  It's too darn  hot for baking, but bake, I must.  One more kugel?  Coming right up.  Forget chicken soup.  Turns out, the SJG Kugel (trademark pending) is the best medicine.  And while the oven's on 350, I'll be slipping in some brownies, too.  Espresso chocolate chip.  We're nearing 100 in Sherman Oaks.  Baking by light bulb doesn't heat up the house.  I want my Easy-Bake Oven back.  I want it now.  Have you seen it?  I'm offering a nice tax-free reward.  You can't put a price tag on hugs, can you?  Don't just sit there, go find my Easy-Bake.  Do me a mitzvah.  Hurry.  It's probably still in the garage of my old house on Lindbrook Drive, behind the box with my ballet slippers and Peanuts books.  Come on now.  Get going.  What are you waiting for?


  1. Oh, how I dream about tasting the SJG Kugel some day. (I take it you can't kugel in a microwave?) I've got a strawberry-rhubard crisp in the oven. Of course, it's only going to be 91 today....with 75% humidity.

  2. I will send you a care package any time, BG. Too hot for baking. Too darn hot!!!

  3. Let the records show that your Easy Bake Oven Brownies were pretty dang good as I recall. I never understood why they were round instead I'd square, but they taste good.

    The Easy Bake Oven Pizza was another story all together...

  4. P.S. I hate automatic spell check on my iPhone which screwed up my comment above. Progress. Oye!

  5. If it's not one thing, it's your mother.
