Hang on to your yarmulkes, nice people, here comes some exciting news. Not to be upstaged by Sarah Jessica Parker's Airbnb's shoe tour of the Big Apple, the Short Jewish gal will lead a special tour of her beloved Sherman Oaks this Friday. "Sole of the City with SJG" is a Sherman Oaks walking tour offered through Oy! BNB, which allows budget-conscious travelers to book cheap activities with other local schleppers. The SJG, who blogs about this, that and whatever, is taking four lucky folks on what is described on the Oy! BNB listing as "an unforgettable, comfortable shoe-shopping experience," starting at Orthotically Yours in the Sherman Oaks Westfield Mall and ending whenever the SJG's patience runs out.
SJG Ugly Orthotics
"I'll help you find the perfect pair of shoes with arch support from my own SJG Ugly Orthotics Collection. Doing errands will never hurt your tootsies again."
The four blessed people who pay $25.99 each for the opportunity to hang with the SJG will also get to enjoy some chocolate ruggelach and coffee with her at Gelson's, her personal homeland, receive a lesson in kugel making at the blogger's palatial estate, and help her search for errant fleas that continue to make her life a living hell. (Shout out to the one and only Cathy Hamilton.)
I write TV movies, plays, and humor blogs. I've got two menschy sons, a wonderful French daughter-in-law, two angel grandkids, a longtime hubby, and a Royal Rescue Pup of Questionable Lineage.
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