Wednesday, October 25, 2017

After The Party

Dear SJG,
Is it true that after the party its the after-party? Cuz, like, I didn't get an invite.
Party Boychick
P.S. Did I leave my iPhone at your house?
Dear Party Boychick,
After the party its the cleanup party. The endless search for rental items. Bar glasses and forks on the front lawn? Check. Countless empty cans and bottles? Check. The young people and their Red Bull. This, I will never understand. So, in answer to your question, after the party it's the exhaustion, the sore feet, the sore everything. And, God willing, somewhere in the after-party mix (see what I did there?), you remember to kvell that you just threw a wedding reception that was more-or-less incident-free. Nobody fell in the pool, as you once feared, mainly because the pool was covered with thick planks off wood that only a karate master or power saw could destroy.
You're Welcome,
P.S. We found your iPhone in the freezer. It died a frosty death. We said kaddish with a nice chianti.

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