Monday, September 24, 2018

Monday Punditry

"Eat a live frog first thing in the morning, and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day."-- Mark Twain may have said this, or not. 

Lately, I keep polliwogging onto this quote oft-attributed to Mark Twain. It hopped up in class, courtesy of Sister Phyllis, my favorite unordained nun. And it ribbetted my attention again today, when by chance, I lily-padded onto an article that upped the daily "live frog" recommendation to three. Three live frogs? That's quite a leap, don't you agree? Please don't croak on me just yet, or worry about how many puns your loyal SJG plans to kermit today. The answer to that fully de-ponds on how many I can "borrow" from Punpedia.
Punditry aside, I think this popular quote, made-up or otherwise, means different things to different peeps. Maybe your live frog is some dreaded task that's metamorphosed into it's own horror movie, in which case, just eat the damn frog already and move on to the next course.
Maybe your live frog is something a little more appetizing, something that sets your intention for the day: to make everyone at work look bad as you outshine them with your mad productivity skills, in which case, expect to eat lunch alone. 
At the moment, the SJG doesn't have a live frog to eat, and for that, I'm grateful. I've eaten enough of those to last a lifetime. I know what I like and live amphibbies aren't on my menu. Feel free to start without me.
In conclusion, to each his/her own live frog, metaphorically speaking, of course.

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