The Way They Are
Yesterday, you'll be happy to know that your humble SJG exercised. No, not at the gym. Anyone can do that. The exercise I'm talking about is way more fulfilling, albeit less aerobic, than that. After a week of Halloween candy indulgence, I exercised such self-control that I had to tell you all about it, so you shouldn't think I lack discipline. The exercise I'm referring to is cinematic. On the way to see "A Star Is Born" with my daughter-in-law, I did a little R & R. I reclined (back not too far back, I was driving and still needed to see over the steering wheel) and remembered just in the nick o' time that not every one in my immediate world, especially those born in France, has seen all the various versions of "A Star Is Born." I came "this close" to almost spoiling the ending for Chlo-Chlo, as I call her, because I'm incapable of calling people I adore by their full names. But thanks to the afore-mentioned R & R, I didn't say...

I said bupkis. Two and a half hours later, when the theater filled with The Sound of Sniffles, and she looked at me and said, "Did you know it was going to end that way?" all I said was, "Maybe." "Thank you so much for not ruining it for me." "You're welcome." So you see, a little R & R can be such a good thing.
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