Friday, November 16, 2018

Camera Shy

"Look at me when I'm taking your photo!"

(Sherman Oaks) In a shameless attempt to invite a few more readers into her personal kvetch-o-sphere of this, that and you've-got-to-be-kidding, the SJG has decided, after deep reflection, not to mention a lengthy consultation with her academic canine advisor, to post this adorable photo of Sir Blakey, the Royal Rescue Pup of Questionable Lineage (DNA results not pending). In the doorway of her palatial estate, the SJG shared her philosophy with a neighbor who stopped by to borrow a cup of quinoa: "You know, Frieda, after doing this blog since what, 2009, but who's counting, I've noticed that whenever I write about my dog, and include a fetching photo (see what I did there?) I get more 'likes' and 'views' than usual, and that makes me feel validated as a human." To which Frieda replied, "Oh my God, that's so sad." "I know, right?" "Listen, hon, can you loan me that cup of quinoa or what? I've got the Sisterhood coming over for Mahj in an hour, and you should see what happens when I don't make enough crispy quinoa latkes." "What happens?" "Nothing good." "Didn't you buy enough?" "I bought plenty. But I accidentally put the quinoa in the kitty litter box and the kitty litter in the mixing bowl." "Oy gevalt, Frieda, that's what I call a major eff up." "Look, are you going to do me a mitzvah, or make me schlep to the market?" "Do I look like someone who hoards quinoa?" "Is that a no?" "It's certainly not a yes."

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