Friday, November 23, 2018

They Ate, They Drank, They Went Home

Hang on, I think I know these people. They stopped by on Thanksgiving, the aunts, the first cuzzy, the second cuzzies, the nephew, the sisters from other mothers, the brother, the brother-in-law, the sons, the daughter-in-law, the grandparents, and, of course, the longtime hubby, who can't stop cleaning, no matter how many times I plead, "Enough with the cleaning. Have some dessert." There was much food, wine and laughter. There was catching up. There was truly atrocious dating advice, mostly aimed at the handsome medical student who promised to try out the following pick-up lines on the ladies, but I think he was humoring us: "I don't need to take your temperature. I can tell you're hot." And, "Say ahh!" This morning, I'm so exhausted I can barely move. But at some point, I'll make my way over to the fridge to visit the leftovers. They look lonely. I hope your Thanksgiving was lovely. If not, there's always next year.


  1. I almost wanna send my kid to Med school, just so he can use that awesome pickup line. Happy TG to the SJG!

  2. Sweet Alice, it's never too late for a bad pickup line. Oh, and med school. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours xo
