Sunday, July 21, 2019

A Bris Like This

The news that Charles Levin, 70, best known as Shaky The Mohel (aka Butcher Boy) passed away this week, olev ha-sholem, made my funny bone achy and sad. I loved him in everything from "Annie Hall" to "Seinfeld" and beyond. Here's a joke in his honor.
David’s watch is not working and he remembers seeing a little shop with clocks and watches in the window. So he goes to the shop to get his watch fixed.
"Can I help you?" asks Joseph, the owner.
"I would like my watch repaired," replies David.
"I'm sorry, but I don't repair watches," says Joseph.
"Well, how much for a new watch then?" asks David.
"I don't sell watches, either," replies Joseph.
"You don't sell watches?" asks David in astonishment.
"No, I don't sell watches,"replies Joseph.
"Clocks, you sell clocks, don't you?" asks David.
"No, I don't sell clocks," replies Joseph.
David is getting exasperated and says to Joseph, "You don't repair watches and you don't sell clocks or watches. So what do you do then?"
"I’m a mohel," replies Joseph.
"Then why do you have all those clocks and watches in your window?" asks David.
"If you were a mohel, tell me, what would you put in your window?" replies Joseph.
Here's a clip that will make you geshrei with laughter.

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