Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Theory of Fanning

Dear SJG,
My mama told me that that fanning myself on a hot day does bupkis in terms of cooling me down. Was she right, or what?
Dehydrated in Duarte
Dear Dehydrated,
Few people know this, but way back when, and please don't ask me to be more specific other than to say I had entered a humbling stage known as perimenopause, I dabbled a bit in physics. Did too! In an effort to understand my escalating body temperature's correlation to my overall level of intolerance, I conducted a series of highly sensitive experiments, not just on my personage, but also on certain unsuspecting women at Schvitz! who melted down when the thermometer in the gym hit 72. To say these gals lost their ka-ka doesn't do justice to the heat-related hysteria I witnessed firsthand. Naturally, I took the high road, kvetching and screaming "IT'S EFF'N HOT!" in five-minute intervals, which, under the circumstances, exemplified restraint, compared to those crazy bitches. Not that I judge. What I'd like to tell you is this: Your mama was half-right. Fanning yourself will definitely increase heat production, but it will cool down those peeps in your general vicinity, and isn't that why we're here? To help others?
You're Incredibly Welcome,

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