Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Rapidly Aged

The Altacocker SJG

The devilish side of my sweet daughter-in-law Chlo-Chlo came out in full force yesterday, when she bombarded the family with the most disturbing app-produced photos, so much worse than anything I could've ever imagined. Not that I've even imagined myself 32 years from now. I tend to take things one year at a time. That's about all I can handle. If I'm still around at 93, kina hora poo poo, there's an excellent chance that God willing, I'll have evolve enough not to care what the bleep I look like.  
The Toddler SJG

Still, given the choice, I prefer this unaltered photo of my punim. The cheeks brimming with collagen, the eyes twinkling, the overall innocence. And, as you can see, my hairstyle hasn't changed all that much.