Monday, June 25, 2012

Do Over

When life gets a little iffy, I like to say, "Do Over!"  So the rapper named Scott D has changed his status from "lives in Santa Cruz" to "lives at home with parents."  So an apartment full of crap furniture needs another place to settle.  I like to say, "Welcome."  How to fit a bed and a desk and a coffee table in questionable condition into a house already crammed with stuff?  I like to say, "Oh, eff it, out with the old, in with the cheap!"  So we're throwing out, we're donating.  Out with the wobbly computer table that never did anyone any favors, in with the discount desk from some random catalog.  We're changing things up around here.  New carpet.  New paint.  A new attitude.  Who cares what it costs?  When life gets iffy, redecorate.  Feel free to quote me.  This advice comes from the heart. And the wallet.


  1. Questions for the SJG: New furniture vs. new clothes? Redecorate vs. new look? Which are the really big guns when it comes to life's greatest obstacles??

  2. Your questions are profound. I think new everything works best when dealing with crap.
