Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Loony Bin Escapee On The Loose

During our recent excursion to lovely, goyisha La Jolla, hubby and the SJG sat in the hotel bar, getting completely schnockered.  Not really.  We were just sipping a cocktail, admiring the view, when a woman started talking at top volume to no one else.  She was pacing and yakking so loud you could leave the premises and still hear her.  Of course, she was on her cell phone, wearing one of those ear piece thingies.  To the untrained eye, she seemed like a loony bin escapee.  Even when I noticed the ear piece thingy, she still seemed unfit for public activity.  Not that I judge.  The SJG took immediate action.  "Shush!" My shushing did diddly.  I complained to the bartender.  "What can we do about that woman?"  "Oh, I know what I'd like to do."  He then launched into a tale of rude customers who snap their fingers at him while talking on the cellphone, to get his attention.  "Last week, I nearly lost my job asking a lady to take her call outside."  Always fun to invite a new member to join my Mutual Hostility Society, but clearly, this dude was going to do jack about the insanely loud cell phone yakker.  So I shushed her again.  Hubby said his standard line, "She's oblivious."  I gave her the hard eyes.  I sighed heavily.  I said, more than once, "People who talk on cell phones in public are psychotic."  I think my last statement finally did the trick.  Either that, or the call ended.  But she shut the eff up, thank God, which kept the SJG from registering at the nearest loony bin, at least for the time being. 


  1. Recently I've started a new bit when I finally move up to a grocery market checker who just had a customer directly before me on the phone talking throughout their transaction. I apologize for not being on the phone. It gets a laugh and the other person bagging my stuff usually throws in a head nod too.

  2. My pet peeve! We actually had somebody blabbing loudly on a cell phone at my niece's wedding on the beach (not a guest, which would have been worse)! She was standing about 6 feet away from the wedding party, completely oblivious! I shhhed her and pointed to the bride and groom. She simply turned her back and kept blabbing loudly, without moving away. Whatever happened to being considerate? Grrr..

  3. Can you even wait for the FAA to approve cell-phone use in flight?? It's bad enough before the door closes (and for the obligatory 5 minutes after when those who are bigger, better, and more important must finish their f'n calls.)

  4. This can't happen, Mick! We must start a national movement to prevent this catastrophe!
