Friday, January 15, 2016

Numerically Speaking

Numerically speaking, which is something I rarely do, because my brain doesn't really work in that mathy kind of way, I'd like to point out that today is my last day as the 57-year-old SJG. I know, right? If that's not something to point out, what is? Excuse me? There are other things to point out besides my age? Age is just a number? Nice. I think I'll steal that. As someone once said, age is just a number. Yesterday, my dear friend who wouldn't want me to call her by name here, so I'll call her Trudy, informed me I wasn't allowed to complain about turning 58 tomorrow. "Who made up that rule?" I asked. "I did," Trudy said. You guessed it. She's a few years ahead of me, chronologically, and therefore has more of a right to complain. I'm not really sure that's fair. Just for today, I'm going to ignore that ruling. Today I'm 57. All day. Who knows what tomorrow will bring. Oh, wait. I do. Tomorrow promotes me to 58. If that's not a reason to celebrate, what is?

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