Monday, January 18, 2016

There's A Catch

The news that the Playboy Mansion has hit the market for $200 
million, and Hugh Hefner comes with the property... 

Bunnies not included
...  reminds me of one of my favorite routines from "You Don't Have To Be Jewish": The Plotnick Diamond.
Two women are sitting next to each other on an airplane. One is in her twenties, the other in her fifties. 
The younger woman says, "Excuse me, but I couldn't help notice that beautiful diamond ring you're wearing. It's just incredible."
The older woman replies, "Thank you. This is the famous 'Plotnick Diamond,' you know."
"The Plotnick Diamond? I've never heard of it."
"Oh yes, it's very famous. The Plotnick Diamond."
"Well," says the younger woman, "it really is beautiful. I would give anything to have a diamond like that."
"NO! Don't even say that!" exclaims the older woman. "Believe me, darling, you do not want to own this diamond!"
"But why not?"
"Because there is a terrible curse attached to this diamond, that's why."
"A curse?" the younger woman asks.
"Yes, a curse. The terrible 'Plotnick Curse.' A curse so awful and horrible that I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy!"
"Well, what kind of curse could possibly be so terrible?"
To which the older woman lowers her voice, "Mister Plotnick."

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