Andy Kaplan, Adult Bar Mitzvah Boy and the SJG |
Last night, we gathered, a big clump of our extended family -- we recruit people as we go along -- to cheer on the Cuzzy, as he became a man. Andy stood up there on the bima and read from the Torah like a mensch, his wife and three children in the front row, beaming. He gave a speech that made me cry. No surprise there. We said kaddish for the loved ones we miss daily, no matter how long ago they left. But oh, did we kvell, and then of course, nosh. There was no hora, however, no deejay, no electric slide, no "I Will Survive." It was okay by me. I'm going to another bar mitzvah on Saturday, where I can go wild and hora to my heart's content. Mazel tov to you, sweet Cuz. What will you do for an encore?
Mazeltov! And it was worth the wait!