Monday, April 2, 2012

Has Anyone Seen My Brain?

The SJG Brain (patent pending) is a hectic place with limited parking.  The hours are long, the workers underpaid.  Frequent breaks for napping and noshing are mandatory, just to keep the conveyor belt moving with inventory.  Sometimes the machinery breaks down altogether and the SJG Brain grinds to a halt.  This happened several times on Sunday, and today technicians are standing by, in case the wires get crossed again.  But Sunday.  SUN-day.  What happened there?  In simplest terms, too much to process in a short time.  It was more than I could handle.  First I had to say goodbye, I love you so much it hurts, here's to a better quarter, God willing, to the college son, as he departed for the airport.  That put the keppy into overload right then and there.  It started replaying the good, the bad and the WTF of his nearly two years in Santa Cruz, once a heavenly shrine of we-don't-believe-in-grades, now a crowded zone of let-the-teaching-assistants-grade-you.  By the time I got to my dance class, the jazz hands couldn't tell left from right, and don't get me started on the feet.  During the routine, the SJG Brain left the building, only to return when the wonderful Doug Rivera announced, "See you Tuesday."  Back home, there was the Cavalcade of TV to contend with, something the Tivo handled gracefully.  But the brain threw a hissy fit. "It's too much wonderful!  Make it stop."  "The Killing."  "Mad Men."  "Game of Thrones."  "Californication."  "House of Lies."  We had to narrow it down.  So we watched "The Killing," two hours of excellence, despite the weird smattering of Canadian accents, and the universal grumbling that lead up to the premiere.  Then came "Mad Men," where all I could focus on was Fat Betty.  Comments ranged from, "Oh my God, she's fat!" to "Did they stick extra fat layers on her face?" to "Oh my God, January Jones was preggers when they filmed Season 2 and they're covering it up by turning Betty into a porker!" and then, finally, to, "Does everyone on Mad Men sound Canadian?"  This signaled that the SJG Brain needed a serious re-boot.  Airport Departures.  Complicated dance routines.  TV marathons.  Nighty-night.  Here's hoping today presents less to digest. The SJG Brain is a mixed metaphor, a strange hotel where reservations aren't always honored.

1 comment:

  1. As the song says, "You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave!"
