Thursday, May 1, 2014

Is There A Problem, Officer?

"Someone get the door...  there's someone at the... oh, never mind, I'll get it.  Oh, hi, Officer... lean in so I can read your badge... Markowitz.  A Jewish cop.  Your mother must be very proud.  And worried.  Very worried all the time.  Everything ok?"
"What's with all the yelling, ma'am?  We got some complaints from the neighbors."
"Oh, that.  It's Game 7, Officer Markowitz.  My husband and sons get very excited."
"I could hear them down the block, ma'am."
"Yeah, that was my youngest.  His yelling comes from another dimension.  It's somewhat demonic.  Feel free to arrest him."
"That won't be necessary.  I'm just here to make sure there's no domestic disturbance."
"Please.  I'm domestically disturbed on a daily basis.  I sweep and sweep, and I can't get rid of the dog hair.  It's everywhere.  No matter how many times I tell Dusty, 'Enough with the shedding,' he doesn't listen. No one listens to me, Officer Markowitz.  I might as well talk to the wall.  I'm losing my mind.  So go ahead and arrest me.  I won't put up a fight.  I could use a break from all this dander... not to mention, the yelling."
"No need to cuff you, ma'am.  Just tell the yellers to keep it down."
"A lot of good it will do.  Why don't you come in and tell them?  It'll be more effective.  Plus, there's a slice of kugel with your name on it."
"Well, maybe just for a minute."

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