Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Commercial Breakdown

I think she's whistling "Call Powell Electric"

The snappy little song at the end of a certain commercial is driving me insane. The snappy little song is my ultimate ear worm. Yesterday during the local news, the snappy little song played approximately 18 times. And guess who sang along every time? That would be me. Just ask my people. I sang, "Call Powell Electric" while cooking dinner. I sang, "We'll fix it in a flash," over and over. In just under an hour, I practically turned that snappy little song into a Broadway musical. I sang it a la Ethel Merman. I did a Barbra Streisand take. I even took it to temple. "Baruch atah Adonai elohanynu ... Call Powell Electric! melech ha' olam." The snappy little song has played at least four times since I started today's blog.  I need help, my friends. A lot of help. I'm having a commercial breakdown. Could someone please call Powell Electric and fix me in a flash?

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