Monday, April 6, 2015

Happiness Is...

... leftover Passover food.

Well, what's an SJG to do? It happened again. The Easter Bunny didn't show. Neither did Elijah. The basket remained bereft of chocolate eggs. The cup of Passover wine runneth over.  Good thing there's plenty of leftovers to keep me happy. Except wait... hang on a sec there, you. What's going on here? Why are the the highly-coveted chocolate macs boxed up and ready to go elsewhere? "I'm taking them to work," hubby revealed this morning. "Excuse me?" "They're going to work with me." "Why, hubby? Why? You know what I went through to procure those on the black market! Why must you deny me?" "You know what will happen if the macaroons stay here." "What?" "We'll eat them." "And that's bad because --?" "Because last night we polished off the cheese cake with the matzoh crust." "It was so good." "I know.  And if I don't get these out of the house, we'll eat them tonight." "So you're doing this for our own good?" "Yes." "Protecting us from caloric indulgence?" "Uh-huh." "Helping us stay healthy?" "Yep." "Nice hubby. Just leave me one macaroon." "No." "Just one?" "Negatory." "How about half?" "Sorry." "A quarter?" "See you tonight." "Mean hubby." "Bye."

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