Thursday, October 11, 2018

What Are The Odds?

What are the odds that yesterday would be World Mental Health Day, celebrating my personal lifelong quest, and, today, the occasion of my left eye repair, would be World Sight Day? I'd say pretty slim. Plus, it kind of proves that every now and then, it's okay for the universe to focus on my needs. Thanks, universe. Good looking out.
Now, if you're wondering how I even know that today is World Sight Day, the answer is simple. The SJG just knows stuff. Maybe it's not the stuff you know. You probably paid more attention in school. I tended to stare out the window and get called out by the teacher. I refer you to an embarrassing moment in 8th grade history, when Mr. Roth said this: "Oh, Carol isn't with us today." So mean. The truth is, I know the stuff I need to know. And what I don't know, I Google. So, just for fun, I searched "World Cataract Day," assuming there wouldn't be such a ridiculous thing. Well, slap my butt and call me Charlie, I found out that today is, in fact, World Sight Day. Okay, fine. You don't share my excitement. I get it. But come on. I have a lot of time to kill this morning before they start the lovely Versed drip, and I'm coffee-deprived, to boot, which seems extra cruel. Even so, selfless SJG that I am, let me take this moment to wish you and yours a Happy World Sight Day. Take care of your vision, nice people, so you shouldn't bump into things.

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