Friday, February 22, 2019

Everything Sounds Better In French

It's true what they say. Everything sounds better in French.
"La Baratteuse" - The churner (and the cat)
Jean-François Millet (1866

Take this delightful French expression Chloé shared the other day: Tu veux le beurre, l'argent du beurre et la cul de la crémière. Translation: You want the butter, the money and the ass of the creamer. (butter-churner)
Trying to think of the English equivalent stumped your humble SJG. But I came up with a sort of close approximation, courtesy of Stephen Wright: "You can't have everything. Where would you put it?" But even that sounds better in French: "Vous ne pouvez pas tout avoir. Où le mettriez-vous?"
And so, as you go about your day, say something fun in French, à la "Merde!" See, even sh*t sounds better in Français.

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