"We either live together, or die alone." |
It's been a week of FFF: F'd-up Famous Folks. The keppie of the SJG can't deal. I am shocked, shocked, I tell ya, along with zillions of other "Losties," by the report that Matthew Fox, aka Jack Shepherd, the handsome-yet-tragically-conflicted hero of my favorite show ever, got arrested for punching a lady bus driver. He was "allegedly" sh*t-faced, tried to board a private party bus and when the driver blocked the entrance, he smacked her. I've lost sleep over this one, people. Nothing helps, not even the flurry of jokes -- "He had to get back to the island!" A drunken Jack Shepherd, I can handle. A drunken Matthew Fox? I am unable to cope. I am suffering. Do I visit him in rehab or jail, or both? Do I attend anger management with him? Do I cheer him on while he performs community service? Do I walk away and tell him we're done?
I think she should have lost the chapeau |
And then, this. A book about the French fashion icon Coco Chanel claims she was a Nazi spy and an anti-Semite! Double oy vey. This is too much info for the SJG. Too much, I tell ya. I live by her credo: "When accessorizing, always take off the last thing you put on." Not a day goes by that I don't remove an extra bracelet, a nose ring, a diamond chin stud, an Erykah Badu-style turban. I imagine Coco shaking her glamorous head and off comes the one-too-many. Without Coco, I'd be a fashion freak, weighted down in finery. And yet... "Sleeping with the Enemy: Coco Chanel's Secret Wars" claims my personal guru was an agent of Germany's military intelligence organization. Not a new story, by the way, but the book cites all kinds of just-released documents, etc. So it must be true. Or not. Still, it gives me heartburn to think about. Nothing irks the SJG more than finding out yet another beloved historical figure was a hater of my people.
As a result, my head feels like this at the moment.
Every woman alive loves Chanel Nazi #5?