Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Table For One

Can you say cranky?  In the past two days, I've elevated cranky to an art form.  Self-pity to an Olympic Event.  I've medaled in Kvetching.  Welcome to the SJG Casa de Complaining.  A whole lotta groaning going on.  From somewhere up above, my mother is whispering, "Enough already.  Get over yourself."  So today, I'm downgrading to light whining and intermittent sighs.  By tomorrow, the pity party ends early.  I'm moving out of Cranky Town.  It's on to happier things. Like what to wear to temple.  I like to look nice while I atone.


  1. Adios Cranky Town!
    Hello Funky Town!

  2. There's no shame in visiting Cranky Town from time to time...I think most of us own property in that zip code.


  3. E! I offically make you deputy mayor of Cranky Town when I'm off securing funds for my reelection!
