Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Automotive Etiquette

Dear SJG,
The other day, I made a right turn on Ventura Boulevard, on a red light.  In my humble opinion, there was plenty time for me to merge into traffic without causing a vehicular annoyance to other drivers.  However, a bitch lady in a Toyota disagreed, projecting an aura of extreme negativity, as though I were usurping her cosmic space.  To show her dissatisfaction, she sped up behind me, and, much like a maniac sprung from the House of Meshuganas, tried to run me off the road, all while honking and flipping me off.  I've still not recovered from her road rudeness.  I find myself entertaining bad thoughts regarding this person's automotive future.  I'm feeling a little guilty. What would the SJG have done, if faced with this dilemma?
Thank you,
Bad Thoughts in Sherman Oaks,

Dear Bad Thoughts,
Chillax, already.  You've done nothing wrong here.  You saw an opening and you took it.  If that bitch lady with the stick up her tush has issues, that's her problem, not yours.  Plus, no one gave you a ticket, so get over it.  And remember what Woody Allen said in "Annie Hall":  "Who would want to live in a place where the only cultural advantage is that you can turn right on a red light?" Millions of peeps, that's who, Woody!  Under the circumstances, I think you've conducted yourself with considerable restraint.  Had I been in your Uggs, I would've reacted a bit more aggressively, taken it to the next level, followed that bitch lady down Ventura until we were within window-screaming range, and said, "How dare you!  Don't you know who I am?" But then, I've tallied up enough legal fees and family members no longer answer my calls, afraid I might be hitting them up for bail money.  So I'd have to say, "Better you, than me," and leave it at that.
You're welcome,


  1. Wanted to take a moment to thank you for the inspiration and smiles your blog brings to me. I've mentioned you on mine tonight as one of my favorites.

    - the Versatile Blogger award has been shared.

    & for the record, that "lady" needs to get off the road if she gets so ill with traffic! As I had to remind myself today more than once in dealing with insanity "their reactions are not my responsibility!"... act as you need to & if it pisses people off so be it. They can be pissed. Its their life to waste in anger.

    Take care!
