Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Vitamin K

When my mother-in-law learned I had a cold, she repeated the same advice she's given me many times, and by many, I mean, I knew what she was going to say before she said it, but didn't interrupt, because that would've been so rude.  Rather than suggest the time-honored Jewish pencillin, which couldn't hurt, she said, "You know, I never get sick, but once in a while, when I get a cold, here's what I do.  I drink an entire gallon of orange juice.  Not all at once, but throughout the day.  I just leave it on the counter, and take a big gulp here, a gulp there, and I'm cured.  I'm living proof that what's his name was right about Vitamin C."  "Linus Pauling?"  "Ever since he wrote that book, I've been drinking a gallon of Vitamin C and it works every time I get a cold, which is almost never."  "That's great."  "Do me favor, and drink some orange juice."  "Absolutely."  Sadly, I didn't.  I lied to my mother-in-law.  I didn't drink any orange juice.  Not even a cup.  And I'm feeling better.  I drank tea and water.  I rested.  I blew my nose 1,800 times an hour.  I kvetched like crazy.  For some, Vitamin C does the trick.  For me, it's Vitamin K.  I kvetched that cold right out of my system. Try it some time.  You might be surprised. 


  1. Kvetch brand tissues, Kvetch brand tea, Kvetch brand juices...you just may have something there.

  2. So, it is vitamin K then. At least, you now know. :P
