Friday, April 4, 2014

Creative Calorie Burning Activities

Dear SJG,
I may have eaten a little too much on my weekend trip to Santa Fe.  Any suggestions on fun calorie burning activities?
Blue Tortilla

Dear Blue,
Of course you stuffed your face.  You were on vacay!  That's not a time to cut back.  It's a time to indulge, and word on the street is, you indulged plenty.  Did you really need that second margarita on the plane?  The folks over at Shlepwest Air are still trying to figure out how much to charge you for all that airborne damage.  Guess no one ever told you that standing on the wing and shaking your expansive booty mid-flight was a no-no.  Who raised you, anyway?  I hereby sentence you to one hour of aerobic pacing, two hours of high-impact regretting, and three hours of emotional landmine jumping. These calorie-burners should rejigger your shluffy metabolism and help you shed some of that extra tonnage everyone's been talking about behind your back.  People can be so hurtful.  Screw them.  Have another cookie on me.
You're welcome,

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