Why didn't you tell me you were preggers? |
"In Treatment" is over, and I'm left scratching my keppy. What a strange run of disappointing episodes, for the most part. I think Gabriel Bryne as Dr. Paul Weston smiled twice the entire season, and that may be a slight exaggeration. He was Dr. Cranky Pants, Dr. Delusional, Dr. Needs-A-Vacation. The SJG has had, let's just say, lots of therapy over the years, emphasis on
lots. And these "In Treatment" sparring sessions between patient and shrink, more than past seasons, arrived from some remote TV galaxy far far away. The "Frances" episodes, in particular, let me down. I adore Debra Winger, but her self-conscious, super-actressy turn never quite jelled, and she shared zero chemistry with Gabriel Bryne. I never got too invested in her journey, as we TV critics like to say. I put in a down payment of time and got back bupkis in return. What about my needs, people? Sunil and Jesse were more compelling, although both story lines ended in a big thud of what-the-eff. My favorite sessions were between Adele and Paul. Amy Ryan showed such subtlety and finesse as Gabriel Byrne's young shrink. He fell for her, insulted her, resented her, listened to her, walked away from her. On the SJG bagel scale: Adele gets four out of five wheat bagels. (They're healthier and she's eating for two.) Jesse gets three sourdough bagels (not sure they make sourdough) to match his disposition. Sunil gets four pumpernickel, plus a nice
glayzelle tey to go with. Frances gets two egg bagels. Dr. Paul Weston gets four onion bagels, even though he kind of phoned it in at times. The season of "In Treatment" as a whole, gets three and a half raisin bagels, with an extra schmear for effort. Will it be back for another run? The SJG is going to call it: Negatory.
No bagels for this series from Critic Johnny. Sorry folks, no likie.