Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Early Years

"I'm the boss"
Just the other day, I was watching him swing from the monkey bars.  Today he's 23 and going to bars.  How did that happen?  In honor of his birthday, a few of our favorite Billy-isms from the very early years:
"I'd like to eat the sky.  The clouds look like whip cream."
(From the back seat, on the way to pre-school)
"So when is Santa Coming?"
(On Hanukkah, after receiving an Etch-A-Sketch)
"Let's see if there are any Ninja Turtles in there defending their honor."
(Eyeing a storm drain)
"You said something about a gift?" 
(The first time he meets his baby brother)
"Get the hell off the phone, Mommy!"
(While I'm on a business call with a producer)
"I'll be by later to pick up my laundry"

1 comment:

  1. And let's not forget the classic line Billy said when he was 11 watching "Dawson's Creek" with the SJG ..."Is Uncle John gay?" Billy was always a bright kid!
