Thursday, September 6, 2012

Better You Should Call

A conversation with my mother-in-law:
"So, how's it going with the computer?"
"It's better.  But that stupid Netflix keeps popping up."
"Did you do what I told you?"
"I clicked.  I pressed."
"It went away."
"And then it came back again."
"Oh, no."
"I'm having the computer guy come again next week."
"What are you going to work on?"
"What's the problem?  Maybe I can help you."
"I write hello, and then I can't write anything else."
"What do you mean?"
"I can't write the email after hello."
"That's weird.  Do you hit return?"
"I hit.  I press.  Nothing happens."
"Are you getting emails?"
"I'm getting jokes.  Why do people send jokes?"
"To make you laugh."
"If they want me to laugh, they should call me up and tell me a joke."


  1. I love this! Bless her heart for trying, and yours for helping.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I removed my duplicate comment cuz I'm a dork and posted twice.
    Tell the macatenas (what's the singular?) it is harder than it looks. (just kidding?) Granted, posting is definitely for the advanced - and why I flunked.
