Hubby and the SJG have passed along many wonderful traits to our sons: our gift for impatience, our love of music and food, our twisted sense of humor, our warped view of the universe. Our family motto: "That's eff'd up!" The one thing our sons didn't inherit: our fondness for math, mainly because it's non-existent. All they got was the elementary school basics. The boys have battled the Math Gods many times. Why take Algebra once when you can take it again? The rapper known as Scott D is facing his math demons as we speak. He's just started a new college, a local one surrounded by freeways and movie studios, not redwood trees and cow patches. The first week, the head of the Math Department showed up to sub for the designated professor, who was "still in Iran." Uh-oh. On Tuesday, the class was cancelled, via email, no explanation. On Thursday, the students learned the teacher is trapped in Iran. That's a big oy vey right there. So now the math class will be taught by the head of the department once a week. As for the professor in Iran? Here's hoping he gets out soon. No one should ever be trapped anywhere. And yet, for whatever reason, the Math Gods are looking down on Scott D and offering up a reduction. Who needs two days of college math when you can have one? It's not exactly a free pass, but, hey, he'll take it. The department head assured the class he wouldn't cram two days of math into one, and let's hope he means it, otherwise, that's eff'd up!
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