A long day of travel. Incident-free. Oh, except for the pat down at the airport. It was my first time. Clearly, I must've looked suspicious... of extreme silliness. As the security gal ran her gloved hands over my torso and tush, telling me to turn this way and that, all I could do was giggle. "Oooh, that tickles," I said. "She's laughing," the security gal said to the security guy. Guess they don't get gigglers that often at LAX. But what else was I supposed to do? Bark? Sing? What's that? Stand there and be all serious? Behave? Oh. Okay. I'll do that next time.
Driving Mss SJG |
At JFK, hubby and I were greeted by our driver. How often do I get to say that? Only when I travel with the big shot TV exec I wed a while back. "Hi, I'm Josh," the driver said. "Hi Josh, sorry about my headphone hair. I wore headphones on the plane, to block out all the annoying people." "Your hair looks fine," Josh said. "You're nice," I said. Out came his life story. It made the long ride into the city more enjoyable, not to mention, educational. Josh had been a musician, sold encyclopedias, and worked in the horse race business, before settling on schlepping people back and forth to the airport. When he mentioned growing up in Stockbridge, Mass, I sang a little "Sweet Baby James." "... Now the first of December was covered with snow/And so was the turnpike from Stockbridge to Boston..."
Wonderful book. Stop what you're doing and read it. |
"Funny you should mention that," Josh said. "I've got a story about Stockbridge." "Spill it," I said. Out came the tale of his father, Mordecai Bauman, a Julliard-trained singer/cantor who started Indian Hill, a summer camp dedicated to the arts. Many famous types passed through Indian Hill, including Carly Simon as a counselor, and Arlo Guthrie. "Hang on, I just read Meg Wolitzer's book, 'The Interestings.' It's all about that camp." Meg Wolitzer went to Indian Hill, too, and wrote a wonderful book about a fictional camp based on the original. And there I was, talking to the son of the founder. Now, if that's not a cosmic coinky-dink, tailor-made for the SJG, what is?
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