Sunday, May 26, 2013

Lose Reply All, I'm Begging You

Today our neighbors have organized a block party.  I may not know all of them, but I certainly know what all of them are bringing, thanks to the group email that went out a week ago.  Every day, my inbox fills with exciting updates:   Tish and Marco are bringing three-bean-salad! Rocky and Pia are bringing juice boxes for the kids, and booze for the big kids!  Joey is bringing buffalo wings!  Marlene and Leo are bringing brownies!  Barry and Larry are bringing pasta salad!  Angela is bringing chili!  Steve and Eydie are bringing kreplach!  Fred and Ethel are bringing nothing.  They're out of town.  Morty is out of town, too, on a film shoot.  Louise wants to know what time the block party starts. Jerry wants the block party moved to Monday.  The SJG wants to know why all these nice folks had to hit "reply all" and bombard her with silly random blasts.  Just hit reply, people.  Reply.  Reply.  Lose the reply all, I'm begging you.  And by the way, I'm bringing salad.  Just salad.  No beans involved.


  1. This happens to me all the time. I seen people reply and ask to be taken off the thread but I never have the nerve to do that.
    Question: are these real names or have they been changed to protect the innocent repliers?
    Great Post.

  2. Thanks, Lori. All made up names to protect the innocent repliers.

  3. I so agree! Repeal the Reply All, STAT!! I can't stand life by committee. A committee of two is my limit. P.S. I was hoping you took a kugel.

  4. Oh, damn. You're right. How selfish of me. I was too lazy and self-involved. I made Howie bring a veggie platter from Costco.
