Oy, what a neck ache she's going to have in the morning. |
This mannequin and the SJG have so much in common, it's eerie. She's resting on a stack of decorative pillows. Every night, I rest on a stack of non-decorative pillows I've arranged and rearranged about 82 times, in my quest to find just the right elevation. My hope, my prayer, is that sleeping with my keppy angled perfectly, I won't wake up the next morning with a searing sinus headache. But something bad happens while I sleep. Something freaky. The pillows slip and slide and fall off the bed or get lost under the covers and I wake up with a searing sinus headache. What I need is one giant-ass, extra-smushy sinus-relieving pillow, a Tempurpedic knock-off kind of thing, retailing at around $18, as opposed to $800. Oh well, a girl can dream, and maybe one day wake up feeling more or less human.
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