Monday, May 23, 2016

The Art Collector

Last night at my father-in-law's 88th birthday celebration, he shared this joke, and now I'm sharing it with you, because why shouldn't you smile, too:

Leo fancies himself an art collector. One day, he buys a painting and invites his old friend Sammy to come see it. Sammy walks in and sees a plain white canvas with one black dot. "So, what do you think?" Leo asks. "I like it," Sammy says. A few months later, Leo buys another painting and invites Sammy to come see it. Sammy walks in and sees a plain white canvas with two black dots. "So, what do you think?" Leo asks. "I like it," Sammy says. A few months later, Leo buys yet another painting and invites Sammy to come see it. Sammy walks in and sees a plain white canvas with three black dots. "So, what do you think?" Leo asks. "I don't like it," Sammy says. "Too busy."

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