Thursday, November 23, 2017

Happy Day of Indulgence

Hello to you, Thanksgiving Day. Happy You to You and Yours. What a day you are, Thanksgiving. Full of splashy parades, football games, family and food. So much food. So much potential for gluttony. Everywhere you look, there it is again, either something delicious to tempt you, or some helpful tidbit telling you how to avoid temptation. Well, for bleepity bleep's sake, where's the fun in that?
You want to know how to eat healthy on Thanksgiving? Pretend it's Yom Kippur. Stay home and fast. Invite your family over, you know, the ones you're keeping in the will, and offer up a nice big juicy platter of bupkis. Sure, it may not go over well, but I promise no one will ask for the recipe. They may, however, throw themselves at the mercy of your neighbors: "Can we come in? The crazy lady next door refuses to seat us. And we made a reservation months ago."
So today, the SJG gives you permission to fress to your heart's content. Indulge like there's no tomorrow, because, let's face it, you never know.
Today is the day to count blessings, not calories. Tomorrow, you can atone.

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