Wednesday, November 29, 2017

There Goes Another One

"I've got some news," hubby says, early this morning.
"Is it bad?"
"It's bad."
"How bad?"
"Pretty bad."
"Is it 'someone died' bad?"
"Is it as bad as the dream I just had?"
"What was the dream?"
"I was at this huge party with people I don't know, and I wanted to leave but I couldn't find my shoes, my keys, my wallet. I'm opening drawers. I'm looking for my contacts, which I haven't worn since the '90s. Is it worse than that?"
"Okay, let's hear it. I'm ready."
"You won't believe who was fired."
"Not you."
"Not me."
"Don't make me guess."
"Matt Lauer."
"Again with the sexual harassment?"
"Oh, yeah."
"Pretty soon, there'll be no one left on the air but the gals. I kinda love that."
"I thought you might."

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