Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Life-Changing Thanksgiving Advice

Danger: Kugel Cocktail Up Ahead 

Even though this isn't my year to do Thanksgiving -- thank God, it's my wonderful cuzzy's turn -- I can still dole out important, life-changing advice. The SJG wants everyone to have a fabulous holiday. Why? I'll tell you why. Because I'm a giver. According to my own calculations, I give more than I take. It's just the way I arrived on this wacky planet of yours. Give, give, give. That's my motto. Let others take, take, take. So today I'll be giving you some valuable beverage guidance, courtesy of one of my hardest-learned lessons as a hostess with the mostess. Don't serve the Kugel Cocktail. You heard me. Don't. A few years back, I found the 2nd Avenue Deli recipe online: Rum, pineapple, peach schnapps, vanilla, cinnamon, non-dairy creamer. Garnished with, what else? A bite of kugel. But I'm making this public service announcement to spare you embarrassment and the worst hangover of your life. I used to offer Kugel Cocktails on a first come, first serve basis. My family couldn't get enough of 'em. But I don't serve them anymore. Hell, no. By 6:30 the mishpocha were so eff'd up, they were walking into walls, falling, tripping and dancing the Gobble Gobble Hora naked through the living room. Then came the lawsuits, most of which I settled out of court to avoid the bad publicity. So if you're smart, you'll ban the Kugel Cocktail from your repertoire. If you're not that smart, you'll message me for the exact recipe. You're welcome.

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