Thursday, February 1, 2018

Fingers Crossed

They, whoever they are, but they seem to know stuff, say that learning new things keeps the brain fresh and spunky. Don't they understand? The SJG Brain is a crowded zone with very little available space. There's no room to park new skills. At least that's what I thought, till I read up on the the rapidly aging cranium and realized I better get busy and learn something new if I don't want my keppy to turn mushy like a bad avocado. And so, I've made a bold decision to up my daily game and take on a new skill. I'm going to stop texting the old fart way and start texting the millennial way. You heard me. No more carefree, Fred & Ginger-style index finger tap, tap, tapping away. No more of that, sir. Starting here, starting now, it's all about the opposable thumbs. If the sons I taught to drive, wipe their tushies and open their own juice boxes can text with their thumbs, then so can I. How am I doing so far? I'm so glad you asked. Just between us, not great. The index finger on my left hand is deeply opposed to the opposable thumbs and keeps trying to shove them out of the way. I may have to hire a hand mediator to sort this thing out. But for now, I'm going to cross my fingers and keep texting with my thumbs.
That is, til I develop "smartphone thumb" and the doctor gives me permission to return to my beloved left index finger. I see nothing wrong with this plan. Do you?


  1. If you have continuing finger / thumb interference, make an appointment with Dr. Digititus, a certified digital detangler.
